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City Fields, Wakefield

Wakefield City Council & DDC

MPSL were appointed in 2021 by Wakefield City Council and DDC to provide architectural services for City Fields, a new development to the East of Wakefield stretching from the old power station site off Doncaster Road through to Aberford Road next to Pinderfields Hospital.

Key Stats

Area Acres

The Process

Our task was to masterplan & develop designs for the overall development which was split into phases and covered by a blanked Outline Planning Permission which included a council led design brief.  Our instructions included evaluations of the contrast design as well as working parcels into efficient housing sites.

The Challenges

The Sheer size of this site ensured there are always challenges. Tight timescales are also a factor whilst servicing the needs of the consortium & the Local Authority.

The Progress

Two of the five phases now have planning consent with the other three ongoing. MPSL have worked hard with our clients to ensure a high quality design with a strong focus on building design, strong form, green space & high quality landscaping.