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Carter House Way

Magenta Living

MPSL were appointed by Magenta Living in 2023 to provide Architectural Services to assist with the redevelopment of the former commercial site, now known as ‘Three Sails Point’, Widnes.

Key Stats

Area Acres

The Process

Several planning applications have been made over recent years to revitalise this extensive 7.6 hectare development since activities ceased at the site circa 1990s, leaving it open to the elements post demolition.

In support of the planning application, our team prepared a comprehensive set of planning drawings, including street scenes, fully detailed CAD layouts and Design and Access statement, along with a post planning Technical drawing package comprising of apartment working drawings, construction details, legal layout plans and setting out co-ordinates. Our team designed a range of properties, which all benefit from modern specifications, providing potential occupants with contemporary living spaces which will facilitate modern lifestyles, whatever their price range.

The planning application sought approval for the ‘’Construction of 248no. residential dwellings, together with associated landscaping, public open space, affordable housing and on-site infrastructure” subsequently granted after a long and complicated process, which resulted in approval of 243no dwellings, of which 183 dwellings will be offered as either shared ownership or affordable rent with the remainder open sale.

Working collaboratively, with the support and dedication of the consultant team, there was a smooth and effective planning process, which ensured permission was granted after several years of challenges.

On Site

Works on the development were paused in 2022 after the company contracted to build the 243 homes went into administration. With a new contractor now in place, the construction works has recommenced.


This development is Magenta’s largest contract to date. The variety of house types will ensure this mixed tenure development will create a well-balanced community, making the most of its sustainable location and access to the Trans Pennine route, as well as the Mersey estuary vista, it’s sure to be a sell-out!