Taylor Wimpey & Seddon Homes commissioned MPSL to design a flagship development as part of a Joint Reserved Matters Planning Application. Concept layouts were presented to Places Matter as part of the pre-application process ensuring a high quality collaborative design. The brief included the development of a bespoke package of house types defining character areas.
The development comprised of 160no. 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom properties situated on the Northern edge of Sandbachtogether with structured landscaping, amenity & play space. The overall numbers included 30% affordable.
The site had key landscape assets such as existing public rights of way, mature trees and hedgerows all of which were to be retained whilst also providing a viable and efficient layout for the developers which maximises developable land. Other challenges included ensuring that the site had a cohesive design between the two developers despite the difference with their product.
With the use of high quality varied materials within distinct character areas, the development was well received at planning committee & the scheme was subsequently Approved. Construction is well advanced with many of the properties sold.